As the lack of posts on here indicate, I have been struggling for a very long time to make the time to create the content that I want and need to.

It really is a ‘need’ too. I have ideas for content that have been been sitting in my brain for the last few years demanding to expressed, and over time, the lack of sharing and expressing that content and those ideas has really frustrated me.

That’s not to say I haven’t been a little bit creative recently.

I launched, an industry specific news and training site last year as well as started on the documentation, knowledge and (soon to be) training sub-site ninja.knowhow, but the everyday demands of Slingshot6 work has just gotten in the way a bit.

New Years Resolution

2021’s new years resolution was to do more content creation. I’ve committed to it, I’m making time for it, and in a number of perverse ways COVID19 is enabling me to do it. So I am currently settling down in my bunker and reviewing and prioritising the plans for what I will be building next.

I’ve bought a new Camera, I’ve tarted up (but am yet to tidy up) a new office / studio space, and I’m putting the meat on the bones of video and article structures.

It’s as exciting as it is terrifying.

As Said by everyone starting something new that means a lot to them…

I can’t bloody wait. Hopefully you won’t have to much longer either ๐Ÿ˜‰

And who knows, maybe, just maybe I might get around to making some new content ๐Ÿ™‚ Lets see…